Stable 20230313.1
13 March 2023

  • Users: We broke the 5000 users! The city is just expanding...

  • Profiles: Added the "Badge Rank", "Score Rank", "Badge Level", "Days Rank", and "Completed Rank" to the profiles.

  • Profiles: Added the "MAL Supporter", "Reported", and "Administrator" icons to the profiles.

  • Ranking: We added 'Trophies' within the Ranking pages. Only those who are first, second, and third are getting them.

  • Maintenance: While we want to stay online, we introduced a Maintenance page. We just mention that there is a (short) Maintenance and have some YouTube vids playing (F5 for a different one).

  • Profiles: Introducing Userv2, a new way of showing off the top part of the page with more stats and overview.

  • Profiles: Changed the way how we show the "Last Updated" field.

  • Website: Changed the way how the scrollbar on the right is shown. Fits the page better.

  • Back-End: Some Back-End services had to be version-upgraded. Successfully done so.

  • Badges: The 2019-2023 Year Badges reported by Inim have been fixed.

  • Website: Somehow the text was 'green-ish colored' in the Light-version of MAL-Badges. This is now fixed to black... (Side note: Who uses Light-Mode?)

Checking MAL Profile...