Badge: Ultimate Episode Fan

Number of Anime with 40 to 52 episodes seen

Rank Earn XP Required Users Completion %
Rank 1 50 10 3318 18.11%
Rank 2 100 20 1611 8.79%
Rank 3 250 30 964 5.26%
Rank 4 500 50 444 2.42%
Rank 5 1000 75 236 1.29%
Title Genres
#3626 8
#3627 8
#3629 8
#3630 8
#3631 8
#3632 8
#3633 8
#3634 8
#3635 8
#3636 8
#3637 8
#3638 8
#3639 8
#3640 8
#3641 8
#3642 8
#3643 8
#3644 8
#3645 8
#3646 8
#3647 8
#3648 8
#3649 8
#3650 8

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