Stable 20230331.1
31 March 2023

  • XP Score: As of today, Dropped anime will also count towards XP. You will lose 500 XP Score for every dropped anime. April Fools'

  • Badges: Once you reach 100 badges, your computer will receive a pop-up asking for your location so we can ship a "Congratulations on your 100th Badge" Achievement plated in the color of your main badge. April Fools'

  • Stats: For every 1000 completed anime, your computer will receive a pop-up asking for your location so we can ship an official referral document to an institute that will be able to guide you in touching more grass outside. This is retroactive. April Fools'

  • Stats: For Days Ranking, we need more proof that you actually watch the episodes from begin to end. As of today, you need to provide livestreams (I see you OP/ED skippers, 2x speed watchers, not watching it but still ticking it as watched) April Fools'

  • Badges: Main Badge Levels will be adjusted. Everyone starts at Level 1 and we will soon host "Anime Bootcamps". If you watch enough anime and participate in the activities, you will get promoted Soldier. April Fools'

  • Mobile: All Mobile Versions are unblocked in our newly-created app called "MAL-DeathMatch". No worries, it is not what it sounds like... I promise... (You start with 1x banhammer and 3x grenades). April Fools'

Checking MAL Profile...